Upcoming: Mindset Maintenance Live at Portsmouth G...

A group of people sat facing a stage where there's a man presenting. Image courtesy of -Japics

Upcoming: Mindset Maintenance Live at Portsmouth Guildhall

Sometimes you just need a space where you don’t have to pretend you’re OK. In 2020 that’s what Bianca Brathwaite decided to create. A space where there’s no judgement and you don’t have to wear a mask. 

Fast forward to summer 2024 and she’s in the throes of planning her third Mindset Maintenance Live event, which takes place at Portsmouth Guildhall on 1 September. I caught up with Bianca to see what it’s all about. 

There’s no easy way to approach this; Mindset Maintenance came from a place of profound sadness for Bianca. She was just 24 when she lost her auntie to homicide and later her cousin took his own life. Bianca told me that she’s always felt emotions very deeply, even before these tragic events: “When everything is amazing, it’s like I’m on top of the world. But when I’m sad a dark cloud envelopes and I can feel it from every angle”. It’s taken her years to understand why this happens to her and using what she’s learnt she has decided to help other people work through it too. 

So she started running free workshops in the community. Originally called The Support Society, the in-person events were quickly replaced with online workshops during the pandemic, and the movement eventually became the Mindset Maintenance that we know today. With a changing cast of guest experts, she teaches people how to look after their mind, body and soul – because a holistic approach to all three things is what got her through her darkest times. 

A group of people stand on a stage at an event; Image courtesy of Japics

Mindset Maintenance Live promises an evening of self development and inspirational stories for anyone wanting to give their mental health a boost. Guests can expect to learn about topics such as hormones, gut health, neurodiversity, parenting and the power of community. There’ll be a diverse range of guest speakers and panels on the night, including the founders of both LADbible and Hormones on the Blink.

Bianca promises that attendees will leave with practical tools and insights to navigate life’s challenges. For those that need it, there’s quiet seating at the event too. A zone has been created as a safe space for those seeking a less crowded experience.  All tickets are available from Eventbrite

Throughout the year you can get involved in other workshops in Hampshire and surrounding areas, which focus on improving mental wellbeing and building resilience. It’s important to Bianca that these are affordable and inclusive, allowing people to access their own wellbeing journey, so many of them are free to attend. 

A woman looking to the camera smiling. She has a black top on. She's against a yellow background
Bianca Brathwaite, founder of Mindset Maintenance


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